Starting the Program If you have a hard drive system: 1. Bring the C> prompt onto your screen. 2. Type CD\EASY and press . (NOTE: If you have the Easy Working DOS Manager type CD\DOSMGR and press or if you have the Easy Working Resume Creator type CD\EWRS and press . 3. Type the command for the program you have from the chart below and press . Program Command Program Command Cards, Signs & Certificates CARD DOS Manager EWD The Filer EF The Planner EP The Thesaurus THES Typing Teacher EWTT The Writer EW Resume Creator RES Setting Up The Program (Note: There is no Setup Menu in the Typing Teacher or DOS Manager. Move on to Section IV) 1. After loading the program, go to the main menu (press if it does not appear on the screen). Use the right arrow key to move the highlight bar to the "SETUP" option. Press . A menu will drop down with several items in it. Use the down arrow to move to each option. Press to select a highlighted menu option. 2. Disk Drives: Use this option to designate where you will put your data files. If you have a system with two floppy disk drives and no hard drive, Data files should be set up for drive B and Program files should be set up for drive A. If you have a single floppy system with no hard drive, both Data and Program files must be set up for drive A. If you have a hard drive, both Program and Data files should be set up for drive C. Type the drive letter that you choose in the box under "Drive". If you have a hard drive and want to store your data files in a different subdirectory or on a floppy disk, you must specify the drive letter and new path in the Directory Path box, using the format: \directory (Note: Any time you specify either A or B as a drive letter, the box labeled Directory Path should be blank). Press F2 to accept your choices. 3. Printer: Use the down arrow to move the highlighted bar through the list of printers until your printer is highlighted. If your printer is not on the list, select a printer that your printer emulates (see your printer manual for more information). Press . The "Printer device" box will appear. Toggle between choices using the spacebar; press F2 when the correct device type is displayed. If you are not sure which one to choose, se "lptl". 4. Video: Use the space bar to toggle between adapter types. When the adapter type your computer has is displayed, press F2. A "Color Options Screen" will appear. Again, use the space bar to toggle between the options. When you decide on a color combination, press F2. Viewing and Printing the Easy Working Manual To view the Manual: (For the Typing Teacher and the DOS Manager see the appropriate sections that follow) 1. Go to the main menu of your program. (This is the first menu that appears when you start the program. Press if you do not see the menus.) Use the right arrow key to move the cursor to "Setup". Press . 2. Use the down arrow to move to the "User Manual" option. Press. 3. The first page of the manual will be displayed. Press PGUP, PGDN and arrow keys to scroll through the pages. To view the Typing Teacher Manual: 1. Go to the Main Menu. Use the arrow keys to highlight the "Manual" option. Press 2. Use the PGUP, PGDN and arrow keys to scroll through the manual. To view the DOS Manager Manual: 1. Use the right arrow key to highlight the "Utility" option. Press . 2. Use the down arrow to highlight the "View User Manual" option. Press . 3. Use the PGUP, PGDN and arrow keys to scroll through the manual. Special note on the Thesaurus To use the Thesaurus within your word processor: 1. Before you start your word processor, you must load the Thesaurus. Follow the instructions in Sections I of this insert for this procedure. 2. To use the Thesaurus, put the cursor on any letter of the word you want to look up and press T. (Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, and press T.) The Thesaurus screen will appear, displaying the word and its synonym(s). Use the arrow keys to move through the synonyms. You now have the following options: a. Press to replace the original word with the highlighted word. b. Press F3 to look up the synonyms of the highlighted word. c. Press to escape the Thesaurus without changing your text. To use the Thesaurus as a stand alone or outside your word processor: 1. On a hard drive system type CD\EASY at the C> prompt and press . 2. Type THES WORD (WORD is the word that you want to look up) and press . 3. The Thesaurus screen will appear, displaying the word and its synonym(s). You then have the following options: a. Press to leave the Thesaurus and display the highlighted word on the screen. b. Press F3 to look up the synonyms of the highlighted word. c. Press to escape from the Thesaurus. Contacting Technical Support For technical assistance, call (770) 428-0008 from 9:00 am to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (EST). Please be at your computer when you call. You may also fax questions to (770) 427-1150. If you fax a question, please be sure to include the name of the program you are working with, as well as a detailed explanation of your Droblem. All Easy Working programs are registered trademarks of Spinnaker Software Corporation. This software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Spinnaker Software Corporation. The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only and for use only on the computer system specified. Lawful users of this program are hereby licensed only to read the program from its medium into memory of a computer for the purpose of executing this program. Copying, duplicating, selling or otherwise distributing this product is hereby expressly forbidden. Copyright 1991-1993 Spinnaker Software Corporabon, 201 Broadway, Cambndge, MA 02139. All rights reserved.